Saturday, March 3, 2012

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keywords Boost Traffic

Today, we are looking at a very important subject when it comes to on page SEO - "latent semantic indexing" (LSI).

Writing article for an offline publication can be very easy especially when you are a "grammar giant" but when it comes to writing articles for publication on the internet, you will need to do more work. This is because of the fact that while you are writing these articles for human readers, you are also writing for search engine bots. You are doing this so that people can find your contents when they type some querries into the search box.
One way of "writing for search engines" is to use LSI keywords.


LSI stands for Latent semantic indexing. LSI is simply a method used by search engines to calculate how similar or related the words in an article are to the keyword(s) or contexts of that article. In the study of English language, we may say Latent semantic indexing is same as synonyms (words that are similar in meaning) though this is not always true.
LSI simply suggests "word relationship."


The two terms above are closely tired to each other. Almost all the modern search engines do not only consider your "quality keywords" as the only basis for ranking your contents, they also look at how related the other words in your contents are to the keywords. You know the aim of every search engine is to provide it "searchers" with the most relevant search results hence, search engine bots do read your contents before serving them to the public.

Well, the issue here is when humans are reading your articles, they can easily understand what you mean (when you use some words) based on other things they have read in the article but search engine crawlers may not understand the context of an article untill they find you repeating some related words. So for example, if you are writing an article on "processes in child birth" and decided to pick "labour" as the keyword you are optimizing that article for, constantly repeating that "labour" keyword may land you into trouble - "keyword stuffing" (though it is ok to repeat keywords to some extent). So you could play safe and outsmart your competitors by using LSI keywords (i.e, related keywords) instead of repeating the main keyword you are optimizing for - labour.
So in such an article, those "search engine animals" expect you to use LSI keywords like pregnancy, hospital, nurse, cesarean section, prescribe, etc.

Doing the above will make your article to be seen as more relevant than that of a person who kept repeating the labour keyword all in the name of "optimization."

You must also avoid using any word that is not related to the context of your article. For instance, in the article we are taking as a case study - the one on child birth, repeating statements like "Her husband is a politician and also a business associate of Felibrain limited yet, he has no much money to pay her hospital bills." may reduce the quality of your keyword - "labour" and susequently, the relevance of your article. This is so because while humans may understand your article very well, search engine bots may not. A repeatition or constant use of some words in the quoted line above may suggest the following to the search engines:
  • His/her articles is about The Nigerian labour party since politician was repeated
  • OK, the article may be refering to the third factor of production since business and limited were mentioned.

The above confusion in the heads of these "search animals" will make them to throw you down in "furry"


You can know those words that are related to your keyword(s) by looking the keyword up in a dictionary. But if you are as "lazy" as myself, you better use this LSI keyword tool at

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